As a parent we do not ever want to see our kids get hurt, physically or mentally, however in life that is impossible, unless you keep them in a bubble and even that is hurting them mentally.
As a parent we all have to make choices to step in or not because sometimes life lessons are about getting hurt physically (like falling down) and mentally.
Sometimes parents do not realize when they are causing mental hurt especially when things between the parents are not going right. When parents are at odds with each other they often become vindictive and use the children as chess pieces, they don't allow visits with the other parent, they talk bad to the kids about the other parent, often making the child feel they are in the middle and many other little and big digs, they project their hurt and anger about the other parent onto their kids.
In many cases there are good reasons and concerns to have a Professional Supervised Visitation Monitor visits, but unfortunately there are many cases that should not have arrived at the need for Professional Supervised Visitation Monitoring.
As parents whether together or seperated, divorced or not it is both your responsibility to build healthy relationships with your kids.
Your kids do not have to be a part of either one of your anger towards the other parent.

all opinions are the opinions of Grandmas Supervised Visitation Monitors