Grandmas Supervised
Visitation Monitors & Mediation Services
Picking a Monitor in California - meeting expectations with knowledge
Should I go with a Non-Professional or a Professional Monitor?
A non-professional is exactly that they are not a professional monitor it might be someone you know, it might be a pastor, a neighbor and they can not be paid. Most of the time they are biased to one side, unable to write reports objectively.
A Professional Monitor In CA is an individual who has undergone the necessary training, is a mandated reporter, and is Trustline certified, which involves a background and fingerprint check. Additionally, some Professional Monitors are CPR trained and belong to the Supervised Visitation Network Organization, which upholds standards of practice and provides ongoing training for its members. As an unbiased party, a Professional Monitor is capable of writing reports based on their observations of visits. It is important to note that their services are compensated by either both parents or one parent.
When you contact us what information do we need from you
In order to assess if we are able to take on your case we need to know the following information (and not limitied too)
Your name - Are you the Custodial Parent or Non-custodial Parent - What does the court order state in regards to visits how many hours a week - how many hours a visit - Are specific days/times on the Court Order - How many children and ages - any special accomodations such as being deaf, special needs etc., - County the visits are to be held in and general area - are there any specific rulings in the court order - are we the first Professional Monitor or a replacement monitor.
Once we have gathered the initial information we will let you know our rate and intake fee based on the information gathered. We will ask you to send us the intake fee should you decide to move forward and also ask for the other parents/foster/guardian contact information and once intake fee is received will will reach out to them.
Many times we are aksed how long does the intake process take as the non-custodial parent is often very anxious to see their children. The intake fee can take anywhere from 2 days to 1 week or more it all depends on how fast we get all the paperwork back from both parents and complete the Zoom intake interview and then schedule the first visit.
Intake Process
The intake process is the same for both parents but is done separately. What is the purpose of an Intake?
The intake process is needed so that the monitor can get a clear picture of the case, review the court documents from both parties, get contracts signed by both parties, gather information that is required and explain the Rules and Safety Procedures for visits that also need to be signed by all parties.
The monitor will contact the Custodial Parent and set up a time to do the intake. If time permits; they will set up a meeting in a place away from the home and family. If time does not permit, the intake can take place over the phone. Another intake meeting will also be set up by the monitor for the Non-Custodial Parent.
Whether the intake is in person or over the phone the monitor should email the parents all paperwork that needs to be filled out, printed and handed to the Monitor at the intake meeting or emailed back to them should the intake take place over the phone. At the intake meeting (in person or over the phone) the monitor will then go over the paperwork with the parent making sure that they have filled in all the information required, go over the Rules and Safety Procedures for all visits, fees and any other information that is required to facilitate visits and requests for information.
Below is the paperwork that the monitor will need from each parent:
Court Order which includes financials (minimum of 7 pages)
DV-150 Supervised Visitation Exchange order (1 page) information set out by the court for Supervised Visitations
DV-110 Temporary Restraining Order (if any)
DV-130 Restraining order after hearing (7 pages)
DV-140 Child Custody and Visitation
A current photo of you without sunglasses or hat
A current photo of your child/ren
Copy of Valid Car Insurance from NCP only
The above paperwork should be emailed to the monitor in PDF format (there are apps available to do this or one can go to a local mailbox /office supply store take photo copies transferred to pdf.
At the intake meeting the monitor will require to
See and take a photo of your drivers license should you not have a drivers license then an official ID
Should intake be over the phone then monitor will take a picture of drivers license, ID before the first visitation starts.
Once all the paperwork has been filled out and signed monitor the will take all paperwork, scan and email back to parents their copies.
In order to make this process go smoothly and quickly the cooperation of both parties in filling out the paperwork and supplying the completed paperwork is required before any visitations can start.
Once all the paperwork has been completed and submitted to the monitor the monitor will then set up the visit. Often even without a restraining order the monitor will arrange staggered arrival and pick up times so that the parents do not have to see each other.